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Mission To Promote Autism Awareness, Inclusiveness and Dignified Survival

BloomBuds ASD Life Trust


About us-

Welcome to BloomBuds – An organisation dedicated to Inclusion and Support for Families Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). At BloomBuds, we are on a mission to ignite a global conversation about autism, transcending borders and stereotypes. Autism Spectrum Disorder, a complex neurodevelopmental condition, touches the lives of countless children worldwide. It manifests in unique ways, encompassing social interaction difficulties, communication hurdles, and repetitive behavior patterns.

In the face of this pervasive condition, our commitment is unwavering. We believe that understanding and acceptance are the stepping stones to dismantling the barriers that obstruct education, employment, and social integration for those touched by autism. Our community-driven initiative seeks to illuminate the daily challenges faced by children with autism, fostering a deeper understanding of their distinctive needs.

The genesis of ‘BloomBuds’ emerged from years of diligent research and collaboration with esteemed experts in the field. Our journey has connected us with parents and caregivers across the globe, who candidly share their day-to-day experiences and concerns regarding autism spectrum disorders. As fellow parents who have traversed these challenges firsthand, we empathize deeply and are resolute in our mission to enact meaningful change.

Join us on this transformative voyage as we champion inclusion, shatter stereotypes, and celebrate the brilliance of individuals with autism. Together, we bloom brighter, nurturing a world that embraces diversity and ensures a place for every ‘BloomBuds.’

Message From Founder: Monica Kumar

“At BloomBuds, our mission is clear: empower individuals with autism. We’re dedicated to fostering a world where their unique talents shine, where they are understood, and where they have access to the support they deserve.

Our commitment extends to providing resources for families, advocating for the rights of those with autism, and promoting a society that embraces diversity. Join us in making this vision a reality and creating a brighter future for all.”

"Let's Form Support Groups" Join Now ➡️

Do you know anyone with autism? Fill the form to become the member of BloomBuds. We will connect with you soon. (Note: All your information willl be confiidential)

Together we will create endless team

Objectives :

  • To be there for each other

  • To be able to achieve policy changes

  • To fight together for what doesn’t seem right


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Monica Kumar

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